Delivery in Almaty


Delivery in Almaty

Courier delivery within the city of Almaty day to day

Courier delivery within the city day to day is express delivery in Almaty, within 3-4 hours your shipment will be at the recipient.


Delivery in Almaty

Courier delivery within the city of Almaty

Courier delivery within the city is the minimum cost of delivery in the city. Delivery of an envelope up to 0.3 kg is only 1200 KZT!!!!


Delivery in Almaty

Delivery in Almaty region

Delivery to Almaty regions for a lower price – Door-to-Door delivery, with free notification.


Delivery in Almaty

Express mail of Almaty

Speed is the cornerstone of the modern way of life. Perhaps that is why regular mail, the snail pace of which is already legendary, fades into the background and is gradually replaced by express mail, which can deliver shipments within even one day.

Need fast delivery?

We know everything about how to quickly and on time deliver your cargo to the recipient!

  1. step

    Select the optimal route and ensure the safety of your cargo

  2. step

    Quickly place your order: in the office, by courier or on the website

  3. step

    Deliver your documents or parcel to any point in Kazakhstan and the world

  4. step

    Deliver the parcel to the addressee’s door within the agreed time frame
